Jack’s Poker Run raises $7,100 for Kids to Love

On Saturday, July 13, Jack’s Area Supervisors Diane Tubbs and Kathy VanZant held their annual fundraising Poker Run, raising $7,100 for Kids to Love. This is the 15th year the duo has planned and hosted the event and it has become quite the tradition, each one proving to be a great success.
More than 100 people participated in the Poker Run this year, with 53 poker hands sold. At each stop, riders collected one playing card and at the end of the run, the rider with the best hand won the pot of registration fees. This year’s winner decided to donate their winnings back to the fundraising total.

Riders also had the opportunity to bid on a variety of items that were donated from various sponsors, and purchase 50/50 tickets. The winner of the 50/50 ticket pot decided to donate their winnings back to the fundraising total as well.

A big THANK YOU is owed to all of the participants in the event and your efforts in helping Jack’s raise funds for Kids to Love.
You can find out more about Kids to Love and how to donate here: https://www.jacksfamilyfund.org/ktl19-kickoff/